Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New book

My first book, on introverts in the Church, is done, and will be hitting bookstores in the fall. But I'm not stopping there. The process was too fun and too satisfying not to give it another shot. So I'm working on a new book, on the topic of listening. Here are some chapters I am entertaining:

Listening to God
Listening to the creation
Listening to the scriptures
Listening to others
Listening to the cry of the poor
Listening to ourselves

This is all very preliminary - I just came up with the idea 6 days ago. What are your thoughts? Do you know of any resources that might help me in considering this topic?

Friday, November 14, 2008

Another mp3

Here's a link to another audio sermon of mine. This one is from last month and is directly related to the topic of my book - helping introverts navigate an extroverted church culture. This isn't the audio file - the link will take you to another page which houses the mp3.

The Goals and Perils of Community Life

Monday, October 20, 2008


Here are a couple of mp3s of sermons I have preached in the last few months:

World Vision International Chapel Service - "The Shalom Project"

Irvine Presbyterian Church - "Rejoicing in Suffering"

There is a inexplicable pause in the middle of the first sermon, but just wait a few seconds and I'll be back.



Podcast Rejoice in Suffering


Rejoice in Suffering